For the Right to Learn Malala Yousafzai’s Story

TitleFor the Right to Learn;
Malala Yousafzai’s Story
Author:Rebecca Langston-George
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction, autobiography
Publisher: Capstone Young Readers
Publishing date: 1st September, 2015
ISBN: 9781623704261
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Synopsis: A fascinating story of peace, bravery, and non-violent protest*Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize*An inspiring, illustrated nonfiction picture book for young readers

My Review:

For the Right to learn, tell the story of Malala, a young girl, who refused to be silent in a world where woman are expected to remain quiet. She opposed the taliban rules, argued for education for girls, and was almost killed for her beliefs. This story is the proof that one little voice can change the world.
This tells Malala’s story from her beginning as a child in Swat Valley of Pakistan to her present day in Birmingham. Malala’s story is retold beautifully by Rebecca Langston-George, accompanied with gorgeous illustrations by Janna Bock. This book gives children the opportunity to learn and understand the struggles Malala has faced, as well as the enormous courage she proved and continue to prove by carrying out her work for equal education for all.
The story is gripping and powerful, told in a simple, easy to understand, language.

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