Tag Archives: Science and Fiction

Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson

Book cover of Aurora by Kim Stanley RobinsonTitle: Aurora
Author: Kim Stanley Robinson
Genre: Science Fiction
Publisher: Orbit
Publishing date: 7th of July 7, 2015
ISBN: 9780316098106

Synopsis:Our voyage from Earth began generations ago. Now, we approach our new home. AURORA.

My Review:

“Aurora” is a science fiction novel that defies romanticized notions of deep space exploration. In this story, you journey with the characters on a generational ark. The Author’s unwavering commitment to crafting a “hard” science fiction work is commendable. In a genre where scientific accuracy often takes a backseat, Robinson diligently incorporates scientific principles. This results in a thought-provoking narrative.

The story revolves around a community of space farers aboard a generational ark. A generational ark is a spacecraft engineered to traverse the cosmos and reach a distant solar system over generations. Throughout the novel, Robison incorporates scientific concepts into the fabric of the story, which adds a layer of authenticity to the plot.

Narrated through the perspectives of select individuals, each offering a unique viewpoint. The most captivating personality in the novel is Ship, the ship’s quantum computer. Ship’s distinct voice injects vitality into the narrative, overshadowing the relatively flat portrayal of the human characters. The scientific aspects maintain their allure throughout the story. While the plot and character development could have been more robust. This leads to occasional stumbles in an otherwise very engaging read.

As the story unfolds, Robinson introduces mysterious events set centuries in the future. Humanity’s struggle to make sense of these occurrences reflects Robinson’s underlying ecological and philosophical arguments. This is occasionally diverting attention from the overarching narrative. At times, the characters’ decisions appear moulded to serve Robinson’s intentions, rather than arising for the story’s natural progression.

In its scientific depth and musings, “Aurora” excels, but it falls a bit short when it comes to storytelling. Despite its imperfections, the novel provides an absorbing reading experience. And I can only say that Robinson’s unwavering dedication to scientific accuracy is admirable. Yet, readers seeking a more balanced fusion of science and narrative might find the story lacking.

“Aurora” engages both the intellect and imagination, but it sacrifices storytelling for scientific rigour. Nevertheless, it remains a captivating read, showcasing Robinson’s prowess as a writer. Whether you’re a fan of hard science fiction or curious about humanity’s journey into the cosmos, “Aurora” offers a compelling exploration of our limitless quest for discovery.

About the author:

Kim Stanley Robinson is an acclaimed American science fiction writer renowned for his Mars trilogy, which reflects his extensive research and fascination with the Red Planet. His novels often explore ecological and sociological themes, earning him a reputation for “literary science fiction.” Additionally, Robinson’s passion for Mars has led him to become a member of the Mars Society.